I read something pretty interesting on twitter today, it said ”people will go their entire life, trying to change a person that God didn't even put on earth for them”. Now, how true is that how many of us, have a friend or significant other that we've tried to show the ”light” ...what if your the thing actually hindering them from their destiny ....are you selfless enough to let them go and become who God planned for them to be without you?...I think this is the hardest but rarest form of love letting someone go so that they can live ...with that.happy blogging, be blessed !!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Life has been so crazy haven't even had time to sit and write. My two weeks as a substitute teacher are finally up..I see the light at the end of the tunnel, freedom, the peak of the.weekend as Friday rolls around the corner its that.time when we can finally reflect on the week we've had and where we go from here. This Week may have not been a highlight.in my life but I wouldn't.change it for the world cause through all hard times is an even greater lesson. I'm a better person even with the.strike of aunt flow lol I've been able to look outside myself and reflect and.grow and transform. I learned more than ever that I am human but through Gods mercy and grace I will make it...and so with that said don't forget to put him.first before all else happy blogging and be blessed :-)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Money =2% of life ...what!!!
This past week my cousin came to visit for the first time. That's not the real reason I haven't been blogging but I'll talk about that later. First I want to express how my cousin changed my world in 2 days. We were in line at Knotts for the fourth of July and my cousins talking to my younger brother about 2% and of course I want to be apart of the conversation. So I interject ” what is 2%?” and he says money is only 2% of our life...ummm what in Nigeria or America, he tells me everywhere so I ask about the other 98% and, he quickly tells me 98% is the individual journey you choose to take.....oh dang and he proceeds to tell me so many people look up at, money and submit to it but we should be looking down at money demanding it. Wow !!
With that happy blogging and be blessed :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
Fake Boyfriend
So once people reach a certain age all around them they see weddings, and babies. Most of my cousins that are around the same age, or younger than me have babies and it seems like everyone has a significant other or are married. Then there is me, my family looks at me and they give me one of those looks that speaks a thousand words. People look at me and ask me do you have a boyfriend and I laugh to myself and answer then with a simple NO. Sometimes I just want to yell at them, and tell them at the moment I do not want that. Honestly, I am not ready for that type of commitment, or interested in dealing with a fool (hahaha I know I know not all guys are like this, but the male figures around me prove otherwise). I guess I just want to focus on my career and on myself, and I am not ready to give up my life to make another person happy. Then again I have this warped view of relationships by what I have gone through in life. Also, I do not want to be with someone and give up soo much of myself to end up being called a NAGGER. Yes the nerve people have now a days, my friend told me of how her bf called her a nagger, for wanting what she deserved after he forgot her birthday. In this age guys expect a lot from women to give up a lot, to be there unconditionally, while they feel like they do not have to move a finger for their significant other. It is a cycle where mistakes are made again, again, and again; where they do not see their own mistakes and flaws BUT they constantly point out what is wrong with their significant other. What I am trying to say that I guess I might be a tad selfish and I just do not want to deal with someone who will point a finger at me for wanting what I deserve, for being there unconditionally. Don't get me wrong I am not a guy hater or totally agains love, but at one point or the other we have to look out for ourselves and do what is bet for us even if we end up leaving people behind. So moral of the story treat your significant other right, or you might be left in the dust.
-Love E
-Love E
I've had my share of up and downs times when there was no one around then God spoke these words to me Praise will confuse the enemy! (Marvin Sapp)... Amen
now how many people out there ever experience a day where everything thing seems to be going just right, from you waking up from the best sleep you've had in weeks to the sun shining just right lol then all of a sudden at the end of this Amazing day you get a phone call and your gut sinks in, you immediately question the day you've had and are contemplating what kind of day you will have if you answer just this one time. I'm talking about that ex that like a plague, somehow like clockwork tries to sweet talk you back down to the dirt because once a month when they think about the best thing they've ever had they remember you. They decide that for this day only they want you back to mold over any insecurities they feel with the one they rebounded you for. The thing is these exes will always come back but its what you do that defines who you are and who you have become. So don't.look back press forward and know the best is yet to come. happy blogging and be blessed :)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I Understand
Smokie Norful- I understand
Sometimes I feel like giving up
It seems like my best just ain't good enough
Lord if you hear me, I'm calling you
Do you see, do you care all about what I'm going through
And then he says, one more day, one more step
See I'm preparing you for myself
And when you can't hear my voice, please trust my plan
I'm the Lord, I see and yes I understand
But sometimes I feel like I'm all alone
I'm just like a stranger so far from hom
I feel like I've done all that I can do
Please Lord give me strength,
I'm just trying to make it through
That's when he told me one more day, one more step
See I'm preparing you for myself
And if you can't hear my voice, please trust my plan
I'm the Lord I see you and yes I understand
He knows how much we can bear
And in the time of trouble he promised he would always be there
I understand The Lord is telling you yes I understand I am the Lord
I see you and yes I understand
I am the Lord I changeth not I won't forget nor have I forgot
You see every thing works according to my plan I am God, trust me,
I got the whole world in my hand
One more day, one more step
I'm preparing you all for myself
And you can't hear me speaking, just trust my plan
I'm the Lord I see you and yes I understand
I'm the Lord I see and yes I understand
I am the Lord I see what you're going through
Every problem, every trial, every burden, every situation I understand,
I won't leave you I understand, understand, understand
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/smokie_norful/i_understand.html ]