Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why Cheat?

So I’m simply here to ask why do people cheat? Is it that temptation is just too strong? Is it a secret desire to want what we can’t have or want something someone else already has? Is it some hidden insecurity that we justify with the malicious of making sure that our self-needs are satisfied? The truth is whatever it is plain and simple it ain't right!! Even people who are in the act (maybe as I write) know it just ain't right there is no justification for the sticky mess that you have just sucked yourself into and there is no freedom in knowing that you have gotten away with such foolish behavior, the truth is cheating effects everyone involved and that’s the bottom line. So you're probably thinking why do I write so knowledgeably TRUTH BE TOLD I HAVE CHEATED yeah that’s they plain truth I have cheated my friends, my self and worse of all the one person that I confided in. the thing is that if I lived with the guilt of cheating forever I would not be able to be as happy as a I am today but as I sit watching Carrie on Sex in the City jungle between two men I think back to the conversation I had with my friend on Friday about my guilt and how I feel that even though my acquaintance doesn't know that me and her man got down for a while (NOT SEX) I have a sense of peace within myself because the truth is god has forgiven me even before it happened he just needed me to acknowledge it for myself and move on and honestly I have even; though I look her in thek eye and still feel guilt I can live with myself because the truth is I serve a loving God and he knows I sin but he is always there to catch me when I fall and this isolated incident has only made me stronger. Now I face the demon again because the guy I cheated with has been separated from me but when were together everyone knows no one can deny the connection that defines us as "friends" we have a friendship like no other, strong even with time and full of laughter and roller coasters. I don't know why I can go two months not seeing him and the day we see each other it’s like we have to pry each other apart in order to move away from each other why does the force of nature draw us so close to each other what is the purpose...well I may never know but to my friend..acquaintance whatever from the bottom of my heart I AM TRULY SORRY if the shoe was on the other foot only god knows what I would do but if someday you do find out I truly hope you can forgive me well I sign off for now keep your heads up and god first. 
Happy blogging and much luv.


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