Thursday, August 30, 2012


So i'm venturing into the world of bloggers only to get denied because of my content ...I thought blogs were personal detailed accounts of ones life now their making millions trying to tell people to express that don't work for me usually but, i'm willing to give it a shot to see what comes of it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I'm thinking of a time simpler than this i'm thinking of a day where I will feel no pain i'm thinking of a day where i'm consumed with joy i'm thinking of the day when the world stops and all I see is you i'm thinking of the day when God joins us as one i'm thinking of a the day when we won't just stare into each others eyes in frustration but will come together as one with great love, and appreciation for one another i'm thinking of a simpler time when our love will be all we need to take us to the top.

I haven't been able to write a entry in a while ( due to vacation) but  this morning I woke up inspired to complete this entry and continue, the pursuit of encouraging others to open their lifes to all life has to offer in order to, learn and self improve.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I read something pretty interesting on twitter today, it said ”people will go their entire life, trying to change a person that God didn't even put on earth for them”. Now, how true is that how many of us, have a friend or significant other that we've tried to show the ”light” ...what if your the thing actually hindering them from their destiny ....are you selfless enough to let them go and become who God planned for them to be without you?...I think this is the hardest but rarest form of love letting someone go so that they can live ...with that.happy blogging, be blessed !!

Friday, July 13, 2012


Life has been so crazy haven't even had time to sit and write. My two weeks as a substitute teacher are finally up..I see the light at the end of the tunnel, freedom, the peak of the.weekend as Friday rolls around the corner its that.time when we can finally reflect on the week we've had and where we go from here. This Week may have not been a my life but I wouldn't.change it for the world cause through all hard times is an even greater lesson. I'm a better person even with the.strike of aunt flow lol I've been able to look outside myself and reflect and.grow and transform. I learned more than ever that I am human but through  Gods mercy and grace I will make it...and so with that said don't forget to put him.first before all else happy blogging and be blessed :-)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Money =2% of life ...what!!!

This past week my cousin came to visit for the first time. That's not the real reason I haven't been blogging but I'll talk about that later. First I want to express how my cousin changed my world in 2 days. We were in line at  Knotts for the fourth of July and my cousins talking to my younger brother about 2% and of course I want to be apart of the conversation. So I interject ” what is 2%?”  and he says money is only 2% of our life...ummm what in Nigeria or America, he tells me everywhere so I ask about the other 98% and, he quickly tells me 98% is the individual journey you choose to take.....oh dang and he proceeds to tell me so many people look up at, money  and submit to it but we should be looking down at money demanding it. Wow !!
With that happy blogging and be blessed :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Fake Boyfriend

So once people reach a certain age all around them they see weddings, and babies. Most of my cousins that are around the same age, or younger than me have babies and it seems like everyone has a significant other or are married. Then there is me, my family looks at me and they give me one of those looks that speaks a thousand words. People look at me and ask me do you have a boyfriend and I laugh to myself and answer then with a simple NO. Sometimes I just want to yell at them, and tell them at the moment I do not want that. Honestly, I am not ready for that type of commitment, or interested in dealing with a fool (hahaha I know I know not all guys are like this, but the male figures around me prove otherwise). I guess I just want to focus on my career and on myself, and I am not ready to give up my life to make another person happy. Then again I have this warped view of relationships by what I have gone through in life. Also, I do not want to be with someone and give up soo much of myself to end up being called a NAGGER. Yes the nerve people have now a days, my friend told me of how her bf called her a nagger, for wanting what she deserved after he forgot her birthday. In this age guys expect a lot from women to give up a lot, to be there unconditionally, while they feel like they do not have to move a finger for their significant other. It is a cycle where mistakes are made again, again, and again; where they do not see their own mistakes and flaws BUT they constantly point out what is wrong with their significant other. What I am trying to say that I guess I might be a tad selfish and I just do not want to deal with someone who will point a finger at me for wanting what I deserve, for being there unconditionally. Don't get me wrong I am not a guy hater or totally agains love, but at one point or the other we have to look out for ourselves and do what is bet for us even if we end up leaving people behind. So moral of the story treat your significant other right, or you might be left in the dust.
-Love E


So this weekend my family and I went to my cousins baby shower, and I was pretty excited but hesitant  to go. Sometimes our judgment is clouded by experiences that happened in the past, and that is what I have been holding on to for the longest. There was so much resentment in me because of the way I was treated by my family, and it really made me bitter about my family at times. However, I learned that people do weird things because of their customs or because they feel it is the right thing to do. It was amazing to see my family after all these years and leave that resentment behind, and enjoy the sweet gift of life. Sometimes we have to be the better person and leave the past in the past and write a new future for the future generation so they won't make the same mistakes we have made. It is amazing to see all these new additions to the family and all the LOVE that they give us with no prejudice or judgment. They look at us with innocent eyes, and yearn for us to hold them, and love them. That is why I want to leave the past behind, and write a new chapter for the future of my nieces, nephews, cousins...because it is important to set that example for them, so they can see the change that they can do in this future. Let Go, and Let God.

-Love E!!

I've had my share of up and downs times when there was no one around then God spoke these words to me Praise will confuse the enemy! (Marvin Sapp)... Amen
now how many people out there ever experience a day where everything thing seems to be going just right, from you waking up from the best sleep you've had in weeks to the sun shining just right lol then all of a sudden at the end of this Amazing day you get a phone call and your gut sinks in, you immediately question the day you've had and are contemplating what kind of day you will have if you answer just this one time. I'm talking about that ex that like a plague, somehow like clockwork tries to sweet talk you back down to the dirt because once a month when they think about the best thing they've ever had they remember you. They decide that for this day only they want you back to mold over any insecurities they feel with the one they rebounded you for. The thing is these exes will always come back but its what you do that defines who you are and who you have become. So don't.look back press forward and know the best is yet to come. happy  blogging and be blessed :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I Understand

So today I had class 9-5 ...definitely not writing today but I was listening to this song and, I decided to share it because the lyrics really spoke to me ...hope you enjoy :) be blessed
Smokie Norful- I understand
Sometimes I feel like giving up
It seems like my best just ain't good enough
Lord if you hear me, I'm calling you
Do you see, do you care all about what I'm going through
And then he says, one more day, one more step
See I'm preparing you for myself
And when you can't hear my voice, please trust my plan
I'm the Lord, I see and yes I understand
But sometimes I feel like I'm all alone
I'm just like a stranger so far from hom
I feel like I've done all that I can do
Please Lord give me strength,
I'm just trying to make it through
That's when he told me one more day, one more step
See I'm preparing you for myself
And if you can't hear my voice, please trust my plan
I'm the Lord I see you and yes I understand
He knows how much we can bear
And in the time of trouble he promised he would always be there
I understand The Lord is telling you yes I understand I am the Lord
I see you and yes I understand
I am the Lord I changeth not I won't forget nor have I forgot
You see every thing works according to my plan I am God, trust me,
I got the whole world in my hand
One more day, one more step
I'm preparing you all for myself
And you can't hear me speaking, just trust my plan
I'm the Lord I see you and yes I understand
I'm the Lord I see and yes I understand
I am the Lord I see what you're going through
Every problem, every trial, every burden, every situation I understand,
I won't leave you I understand, understand, understand
[ Lyrics from: ]

Friday, June 29, 2012

No Niños, Quiero Un Hombre!

La noche pasado escuche a mi a amiga, after being tortured by someone (who shall not, be named) drenching us with their gibberish and irrevalant discussions, my friend suddenly turned, to me and, said quiero un hombre no quiero niños...I mean come on, do I really have to explain... It's as simple as it translates. No matter how many times we've been ran over, screwed over, abused and misused there's something within every man or women that longs for that companion to make them feel whole again ...complete. Oh so you probably think I'm going to tell you keep believing, and ...I am. You probably think I'm going to tell you to seek God first above all else, and everything will fall into place according to his perfect will and...I am. You even probably already assumed I would tell you, to completely love yourself (does not mean be conceited) because when two whole people come together they can focus on their relationship as a couple without dealing with ”trying to fix each other” and ...I am. That baloney never flies...I hear too many people telling me their significant other broke up with them cause they wanted to "do them”. Yea hello cause they have no idea who they are first of all, over half the time. Anyways my point, simply reverts back to this ”quiero un hombre”, you can want a man;all you want but want God more, seek after becoming a the best version of yourself, so that when you meet that person that makes your butterflies soar you won't be fixing each other you'll be standing strong as one.
*take a second out of your day and think of one thing that can make you better (not, your sister, brother, and focus on trying to become the person your looking for is looking for. Be blessed :)

Blinded B-)

How could I be so blind? Blinded by the bling, the sweet treats, and everything in between the sheets; that take my breath away and keep me gasping for air. How can I be so blind to the sweet talk and swag walk I so potently condemn? How does one smile melt my heart in seconds and suddenly the past turns into is it that we are blinded by these things that are only meant to distract from the real issues before saying "I do" maybe these distractions help us from making things seem bigger than they really are? Maybe these blinders assure us that we are loved and tomorrows a new day? Or they just finally figured that sorry is not enough...whatever it is the blinders worked and I'm glad
because I truly do love my special man and it just goes to show you I'm human. However don't be fooled by my foolish writing this love is the same as blind love cause one day we'll look back and the jewelry will be dull and sweets digested so don't get caught up cause you may just end up with a ”love hangover” (jason derulo) and find yourself alone. Take care of yourself and Be Blessed :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

True Friendship

I have come across this quote quite a few times, "we are able to be apart for months or years at a time, but when we get back together, it's as if nothing has changed" that is how I felt after seeing some of my closest friends after not seeing them close to a year. It is really amazing to see the strong bonds that we as people form with strangers when we are off to college. We all went through this journey that was new to all of us and experienced situations that were completely new to us, where we lost, and gained friends. Seeing all my friends after a long time made me realize that I am very fortunate to have this great support system that is behind me 100% and I am not alone no matter what is going on. However, not all people are as fortunate as I am in the friend department, there are those friends who cannot stand to see their friends succeed and try to make every situation about themselves. One thing that I sometimes do not comprehend is why are people like that? Why do  they feel the need to bring their friends down because they are not succeeding in life, and their friends are. It just amazes me that no matter the outcome there will always be those friends who will always be there to bring down people, and will make people not talk about their bright future. I guess if I were in that situation I would kind of feel down because I'd be stuck in the same place, while my friends where progressing in their studies, career, etc. but that does not give me any type of right to bring everyone down with me. I know how it feels to be in limbo on not know what is going to happen or not having something set in stone for the future, but what separates me from those other types of friends is that I took all the advice I could from friends who were succeeding and I was genuinely happy for all their fortunes. After I graduated from UCR, I knew that I had to go to grad school for what I wanted to do, but I felt that my gpa was too low to be accepted to any program. But having the support from all the great friends that I have, and having faith in God and knowing that he would provide that I finally was accepted into grad school. I believe it is always important to have friends that are there for you no matter what, the type of friends who are happy for you when you are succeeding, and who are willing to give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. So I guess what I am trying to say is the moment you find that true friendship hold on to it, and never let go haha. Seriously though only true friends are willing to let go of the past and move forward and forgive and forget of the things that at one point may have drove you apart. On that note be nice to people because you never know what role an individual may have in changing your life.

-Love E

Brand New??

I want to have a positive contribution to women, girls, boys, men, and especially the up and coming generation. I am not satisfied with merely being complacent while people are out there hustling everyday to achieve their dream through whatever means possible whether it's becoming the next Top Chef, or a world famous make-up artist, ALL of our dreams matter. However, this isn't just about the rat race, and dream chasers but the biggest issue I see affecting most young and old people are relationships!! Have you ever gone through something and felt like no one in the world understood what you were going through or has gone through your UNIQUE experience? Well I'm here to tell you that you are NOT alone...being in a relationship, and hearing insane stories from friends, acquaintances, and strangers I have realized a need and healing in allowing people to unload their stories on me without bias or judgment and I want to share these stories (of course not with the names and exact details) but to build a community blog where people can realize they are not alone. Through faith and hope the dreaded four letter word L-O-V-E is possible if you are willing, to open your heart and have faith that God has your back so Let Go and Let God. Our futures are bright cause he has already destined us for greatness. These are some clear and scattered questions I hope to address with this blog. What will we choose to believe?? What will you journey be?? Who will you allow to impact or detract you from your goals? Do you have goals? Are they realistic? Long-term? Short-term? Are you giving yourself, time to heal after a break up?? (Yes, HEAL how can you start a new relationships without learning and accepting the past??) How did you grow after the breakup?? Have you given up one love?? How about those of us in relationships? Does your relationship "just work""?? Is there progress towards a future?? Are you both willing to compromise?? Do you allow each other their independence while growing together?? What is love to you?? These are just few questions I get asked and have heard other people ask however this blog will NOT provide the answers but pray it provides clarity and hope that your knight in shining armor, or queen (not trophy wife) IS out there. With that said welcome and please feel free to contribute and share your stories and happy blogging :)